Use of Images:
Images are stringently developed for the client’s private home utilization only. Photographer hereby grant to the client the following exclusive rights to utilize the images as personal demo. The right of photographs should be reserved by Vivekk Vikas Photography and client can use them for personal use not for commercial websites or selling purpose. It is strictly prohibited to sell the images to generate income from them in any form. If any photographs of our website is used or published on any website by photographer, proper credit of Vivekk Vikas Photography should be required. The photographer shall retain the rights to utilize the images in social media platform for publicity purposes.

Termination of Contract :
In compliance of a termination of the contract by the client, the client concur that the given fees to Vivekk Vikas Photography will be fortified. The termination of the contract should be provided the client in the written format and sent by registered mail.

Modification of Contract :
Any changes by the client in the contract shall be in writing format and sent by valid email to Vivekk Vikas Photography. Here, client agrees to pay all the loses and expenses if any happened, originated by the modification of contract. We are having all right to reject or accept the modification require by the client in the contract.

We are not be liable in the happening of the event that can arises accidentally, natural disaster, loss of material or equipment failure. However, there may be a possibility that pictures may be lost, destroyed or stolen for reasons in or beyond our control. We are not responsible for the restrictions in the locations comprising to access limitation, equipment not allowed, flash restriction and the like. If , we somehow don’t perform the acquired task, we are solely responsible to return all the payment of the client.

Warranty and Indemnity:
We sanction and represent that sole creator of the images and owns all rights granted under our company’s name and this agreement. All the Images are genuine and original creation except some of the material which is obtained from the different website by giving the credit.

Permissions to Photograph:
It is the whole sole responsibility of the client to take the permission of the location from the concern person whether it is government property, temple, church or any thing a like. Client should give the surety of wedding or ceremony venue so that we can be more known about the location and get familiar about them. Many private places charge photography fee so it will be totally client’s matter of concern to fulfill the same.